Places You Can Find Us *Memes Inside!*

Hey, people!

By now, you probably LOVE this blog.

If you don't, I'm sorry... 😞

Haha, JK!

Basically, thanks for reading and for the support!

So, today I'm going to be listing some places you can find us! 
Rather than here, of course.


Danning is Chameleon Cody!

Little Big Snake!

My name in the game is MorningRain!

Danning's name in the game is Cody!

Lego Life!

Lego Life is and app that you can get on pretty much any device!

Our name is CommanderPureSquirrel!


Scratch is a coding website and it's AWESOME.

Danning is Nerdy-Bert343!! is this super random game! I should do a post on it soon...
There aren't really any accounts or anything, 
but my name is usually SweetSauce, and 
Danning's is usually Little Big Fart. Don't ask why. 🙄
Also, if you see "Your name is lame," that could also be one of us! 😉

It's a figure of speech in most scenarios.

Anyway, YUP. Also, we have a website about 
our farm here. It's called Harmony Hollows!

Anyway, I got the meme idea from SeaMoon at
You should check her out. She's AWESOME! And my BFFL. 😁😁😁

Alarm Air Raid

Okay, guys!

Thank you SO MUCH for reading! 

Comment on any of your gamer names!



  1. SWEET. Thanks for telling us and MAN YOUR BLOG IS AWESOME!! Thanks for putting me in here!!!!


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