It's-a Been-a Too-a Long-a!



Sorry it's been SO LONG since I've posted!

I have been WAYYY TO BUSY. 

Like I say. Busy-ness.
Not fun.
Anyway, I'll start with the basic run-down.

1. School is starting soon!

Yayayayayayyy! So excited!!!!! 😎😎😁😸 As in today.

Also, we're using Scratch for our coding this year, so that's pretty dang awesome!

2. Doctor Who!

We're already on season 7 of Doctor Who! SO AWESOME.

3. Wings of Fire!!!!!

Book 12 is coming our in December! YAY!
Duh duh duh duh.. The Hive Queen..... Duh duh duh duh duhhhhh....

4. Xbox One!

Mom's finally getting us as Xbox One!

5. Keeping Up The Cats!

Mom let us keep TWO KITTENS!
Fearless and Anemone!
(Both WoF names)

Also, today's the first day of school for us!




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