Pokemon and 2DS's

Just so you know, we LOVE Pokemon!

Well, who wouldn't? 

We have a LOT of the video games for Pokemon on our NEW 2DS's! Bude has a 3DS. ALMOST THE SAME THING.

Speaking of 2DS and 3DS, here's some pictures! You might have already seen them in a previous post, but here they are anyway!

So far we have:
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon Moon and Ultra Moon
Pokemon X (One is mine and one is Bude's)
Pokemon Y
Super Smash Bros.

So excited!


  1. Hiya!! WHOOOAOAAA cooleo!! Can't wait to see you and your DS soon

  2. Thanks! How did the Family Reunion go?

  3. It was great!! I have a blog post about it. YEAH.....Reunion? Think so.


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