

One of the cutest animal species alive. 

And these...

are all OURS!

But ducklings are little messy things.
They poop in the water then step in it then take a bite of food then swish around in the water then eat it then poop again 'cause they ate the food and guess where that poop lands?

Right in the food. 

And then they take another bite of food and swish it in the poopy water and then swallow it then poop in the water again. 

But whatever. The cuteness is worth cleaning the box every day. 

We've never gotten ducks before, and they're even friendlier then chicks! They eat out of your hand and run around and play in a shallow dish of water and peck at everything! SO CUTE! 

I still LOVE chickies though! Don't get me wrong! 


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